Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Red Raspberry New Formula

ATTN: We have updated our Red Raspberry e-Liquid formula. 

We think you will love it as much as we do!

 If you prefer the old recipe just leave a comment in the comment box at checkout specifying that you would like your Red Raspberry the 'old way' and we'll hook you up.

Thanks guys!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


We've had a few of you ask about our old blog so here is the link:

What do YOU Say?

We want to know what you think!  That's why we've added a new survey to the homepage of our website.  Every month we post a survey with one question to gather more info about what YOU want! 

This month we want to know: Would you pay more for premium pre-steeped e-liquids?

We want to better serve you and provide you with more of what you want so don't forget to stop by, grap a few awesome Urban Vapors e-Liquids, and take our survey while your there!

-The Urban Vapors Team

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

We've Moved!

Urban Vapors: Vape Lounge has moved...

Unfortunately we kept experiencing issues with our last blog host so in an effort to keep our blog up to date and fresh for you guys we've switched hosts for a better user experience for you all.

Thank you for being patient with us and we look forward to updating our blog regularly with lots of great UrbanVapors updates, deals, and anything else vape related!

Please bookmark us so you can easily check back for recent updates and the latest news/deals/products