Monday, December 3, 2012

Santa Baby

Santa Baby is here!  An Urban Vapors Christmas 2012 Exclusive

A delicious blend of Vanilla Cupcake and Twisted Peppermint - available now at!


NEW itaste vv Starter Kit Release TODAY!

It's Finally Monday! (Yes, we said Monday)  And every Monday in December we are releasing NEW products and flavors on our website!

Today we are excited to announce our newest Starter Kit available now at 

It's the latest digital e-cigarette from Innokin and it's the itaste vv (variable voltage) with the Stardust Clearomizor. 

Let's start first with the Starter Kit and what it includes:

  • One 800mah itaste vv battery
  • One USB wall charger
  • One retractable USB adaptor
  • Five Startdust (CE4) Clearomizors
  • Instructions
  • Gift Box
We love this e-Cigarette becuase of it's stylish appearance and functionality.  The battery itself is a unique squared shape that is stylish and allows for great dexterity and comfortable handling.

The digital display is bright, clear, and easy to read.  The manual explains each function of the digital display and includes a cool feature that actually gives you a suggested voltage usage rate and also keeps track of how many drags you've had since powering on.

When using this ecigarette, we were surprisingly pleased.  It's very quiet and we didn't notice any sputtering or gurgling type noises you sometimes get with older model e-cigs.  We played around with the voltage level, which was very easy (literally the press of a button) and found that the itaste really does give off a great amount of vapor. 
We vaped one our favorite Urban Vapors e-Liquids, Strawberries 'N Cream, and the taste that came through was very flavorful, not dilluted tasting and no alteration of flavor that we could detect.

As a side note, we found the retractable usb adaptor cord to be very convenient and didn't want that small but thoughtful touch to go unrecognized!

We love this new product and hope you will too!

The kit is available in Black and Chamelion and is on sale now at

Watch for our review on YouTube coming soon! 
Channel: UrbanVapors

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Cyber Monday Sale Extended to Today!

Enjoy all of the same great deals from yesterday, today at


We've decided to extend our amazing deals for one more day now through midnight!
Thanks to all of our awesome customers who helped make yesterday such a success!
-The Urban Vapors Team

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Cyber Monday Deals All Day Long


It's Cyber Monday Ya'll!

Thanks for making our Black Friday Promotion such a great success! 
We have decided to extend our 30mL promotion through Cyber Monday and will be continuing to announce NEW specials, products, and flavors EVERY MONDAY for the rest of the season!
Again, thank you to all of our wonderful customers who helped make this Black Friday succesful - we could'nt have done it without you!
-The Urban Vapors Team

Friday, November 23, 2012

Black Friday Sale Black Friday Sale is going on now! 
ALL 30mL e-Liquids, including our Gourmet e-Liquids line, are ALL on sale through Sunday, November 25th.
ALL 30mL e-Liquids $10.50!
ego-C on Sale for $54.99!
ALL 3mL $2.50!
No Promo Code necessary -

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

30mL e-Liquids for All!

ANY 30mL e-Liquid for $10.50

Now through Sunday, November 25th only at ALL 30mL e-Liquids will be marked down to $10.50! 
This promotion even includes our Gourmet Flavors.  And for your convenience, NO promo code necessary!
We wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving full of love, laughter and lots of VAPE! 
-The Urban Vapors Team
P.S.  Pumpkin Pie Deal of the Day is still going on through Thanksgiving! (Save up to 40%!)


Saturday, November 17, 2012

Before it's TOO LATE!

Quick Reminder:

This is the last week to take our Online Survey and we want to hear from YOU!

Follow the link to take our one question, five second survey located near the bottom of our homepage.

Would you be willing to pay a higher price for premium, pre-steeped e-Liquids?

Let us know now before it's too late!

Thanks to all who participated :)

-The Urban Vapors Team

Cheap (but good quality) e-Cigarettes

Get what you want for less!

We have been asked by many of you for suggestions of alternatives to Joyetech e-cigarettes that are similar in quality, function, and appearance. 

Joyetech offers a premium product and the price reflects that but there are an array of great quality, lower cost products out there that we believe are great alternatives to some of the most popular Joyetech models.

One of the best selling models is the 'eGo-T' made by Joyetech.  It is popular for it's compact size, battery life, and tank system.  Many users were pleased with the model's tank system, as it was the first of it's kind to hold several cycles worth of e-juice vs. the drip system that required the user to disassemble the e-cigarette often to refill it.

We love our generic version of Joyetech's eGo-T available on our website
It is made by manufacturers who are based out of the same region as the Joyetech facility. 
It includes five replaceable tanks, an extra battery, a wall charger and USB charger.

We also recommend the generic eGo-C, which is similar to the eGo-T but comes with five replaceable atomizer heads and holds 1.2mL of e-juice.

Another one to try is the eGo-W.  It is unique in that this model comes with a pen-cap style cover so you can easily carry your e-cigarette in your front pocket and is great for business travelers and on-the-go vapors. 

All of these models can be found online at

There is more detailed information about each of these models on our website so be sure to check it out!  If you own one of these models or have experience with any of them please feel free to comment here or we invite you to do a product review on our site to tell us and other users what you think. 

Thanks to all of you for reading and hope you found it helpful.

-The Urban Vapor Team

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Red Raspberry New Formula

ATTN: We have updated our Red Raspberry e-Liquid formula. 

We think you will love it as much as we do!

 If you prefer the old recipe just leave a comment in the comment box at checkout specifying that you would like your Red Raspberry the 'old way' and we'll hook you up.

Thanks guys!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


We've had a few of you ask about our old blog so here is the link:

What do YOU Say?

We want to know what you think!  That's why we've added a new survey to the homepage of our website.  Every month we post a survey with one question to gather more info about what YOU want! 

This month we want to know: Would you pay more for premium pre-steeped e-liquids?

We want to better serve you and provide you with more of what you want so don't forget to stop by, grap a few awesome Urban Vapors e-Liquids, and take our survey while your there!

-The Urban Vapors Team

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

We've Moved!

Urban Vapors: Vape Lounge has moved...

Unfortunately we kept experiencing issues with our last blog host so in an effort to keep our blog up to date and fresh for you guys we've switched hosts for a better user experience for you all.

Thank you for being patient with us and we look forward to updating our blog regularly with lots of great UrbanVapors updates, deals, and anything else vape related!

Please bookmark us so you can easily check back for recent updates and the latest news/deals/products